WE ARE PLEASED to Announce that we are planning to open the school to all from week commencing Monday 19/4/21
At present adults participants will only be able to attend classes with us on Zoom.
This is an exciting time and we are inviting existing as well as new pupils who contact us before attendance, at this time.
Classes are varied and include New mother/father and toddler classes as well as ballet,modern,tap and musical theatre for all ages from 6 months to 18 years, to name but a few. Adults please also enquire for details re zoom classes or live lessons which we should be able to offer from May. This will be reviewed.. watch this space – enquire now!
CONGRATULATIONS 🥳 to all pupils on the 100% pass rate in remote ISTD exams which were held in lockdown. This included 9 major exams passed with 6 gaining distinction.
Also during lockdown senior pupil Harry Parkinson gained a place at Bird College London to continue his professional training in Musical theatre. Well done and good luck.